How Much Does it Cost to Change Your Name?

People opt for a name change for many different reasons. Of course, one of the most common is because they have got married but this is not the only time it may be something you want to do. You might just not like yours and want to alter it, for instance. If you are considering a name change and want to know the best ways to save money doing so, then what do you need to know?

Factors to Consider With a Name Change

The first thing to say is that you do not have to spend a penny on changing your name. If you want, you can simply use a new name and ask people to call you by your chosen name. This is rather like adopting a pseudonym, something writers do all the time. However, this is not the same as changing your legal name which will require some expenditure.

Signing the register may be the first time you use your new name

If you have recently married and signed the register with your new, married name, then you can use your marriage license to get your name changed elsewhere. The good thing is that banks, utility companies and so on generally do not charge for name changes of this type. You should also be able to update the records of government agencies without a fee. This means things like NHS records, the benefits agency and the electoral roll. However, if you have separated or divorced, then it can be harder. In some – although not all – cases, people have had to change their name by deed poll to officially revert to their former name.

How much does a legal name change cost?

Changing your name by deed poll comes with an attendant cost which currently stands at £42.44. You’ll need to make an application to the Royal Courts of Justice to obtain an ‘unenrolled’ deed poll. Anyone who is 18 or over can do so. Helpfully, the government gives you the specific wording to use for a deed poll application. This means you don’t need to pay a solicitor to apply for you. Once you have changed your name this way, it is your legal title. You can present your deed poll as proof of your new legal name. All official records of you can be altered to your new name this way. Remember that you will have to pay more for certain documents to be changed, however. For example, a new UK passport application will set you back £75.50 if you apply online for one.

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